世界で注目が高まっているシリア難民問題。ニュースをいろいろ見聞きしていると、”asylum seeker” という単語が気になりました。ニューズウィーク誌の記事『Syrian Refugees: All You Need to Know (シリア難民:知っておくべきこと)』にも以下のような文章が出てきました。
Germany has agreed to take 800,000 asylum seekers , France 20,000 and Britain another 20,000. More countries need to accept asylum seekers.
—Syrian Refugees: All You Need to Know
“asylum seeker” は「亡命希望者 」という意味です。
asylum seeker: someone who has to leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country and asks to be allowed to live there
—asylum seeker | Macmillan Dictionary
“asylum” には「亡命 」という意味があります。
1. the right to stay in a country, given by a government to protect someone who has escaped from war or political trouble in their own country
2. [OLD-FASHIONED] a mental hospital
—asylum | Macmillan Dictionary
Germany has agreed to take 800,000 asylum seekers, France 20,000 and Britain another 20,000. More countries need to accept asylum seekers.
—Syrian Refugees: All You Need to Know
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