2014年にエボラ出血熱が流行しましたが、今年また新たな脅威が警戒されています。それは、ジカウイルス(Zika virus)。
Zika virus “spreading explosively” around the Americas, WHO director-general says. https://t.co/nxHQq1WKDC
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) January 28, 2016
Since Brazil made its first discovery of Zika in May, the number of cases there and elsewhere in the Americas has grown exponentially. The virus had been thought to be relatively harmless over the long term, but that view changed late last year.
アメリカでも、アーカンソー州、カリフォルニア州、フロリダ州、ハワイ州、イリノイ州、マサチューセッツ州、ミネソタ州、ニュージャージー州、ニューヨーク州、オレゴン州、テキサス州、バージニア州、そしてワシントン DC で旅行者からジカウイルスが検出されています。
No medicines are available to treat those with the Zika virus, and there are no vaccines to prevent it. But Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said Thursday that clinical trials on a vaccine could begin this year.
And the regularly occurring global weather phenomenon known as El Niño is expected to make things worse by increasing mosquito populations, the WHO’s Chan said.
(エルニーニョ現象として知られる国際的な気象現象が定期的に起こることにより、〔ジカウイルスを運ぶ〕蚊の数が増え、事態がさらに悪化する可能性があると、WHO のチャンは語る。)
Airlines are offering refunds for flights booked to countries hit by the Zika virus https://t.co/KRqWaQ4ynL pic.twitter.com/3XdudDGDRZ
— CNN (@CNN) January 27, 2016
USA Today の記事『Olympic officials monitoring spread of Zika virus before Rio Games』では、ブラジルで今年開催予定のオリンピックへの影響についても触れられていました。
The Olympics are scheduled for Aug. 5-21 in Rio. Organizers there have committed to daily inspections of the Olympic venues to try look for stagnant water where the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that spread the virus can breed.
The CDC has advised travelers to affected countries to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitos, including: using insect repellants, wearing long sleeves and pants, using air conditioning and screens to keep mosquitos out and if that is not possible sleeping under a mosquito net.