デオドラントで目にした “formula” の意味とは?
よく見ると、”SAME Great Formula” と書かれていました。
“formula” はこの場合「処方」という意味で使われています。
1. a method or set of principles that you use to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful
2. a series of numbers or letters that represent a mathematical or scientific rule
3. a list of the substances used to make a medicine, fuel, drink etc, showing the amounts of each substance that should be used
4. Formula One/Two/Three etc: a type of car racing, in which the different types are based on the size of the cars’ engines
5. a type of liquid food for babies that is similar to a woman’s breast milk
6. a fixed and familiar series of words that seems meaningless or insincere(2. のように数学に使われると「公式」という意味になります。そういえば、F1 の F も “formula” でしたね!)
SAME Great formula
Original Round Stick Formula