デトロイト市が破産法申請!の記事で目にした「municipal 」の意味とは?
(By Paul Turgeon (Flickr: Detroit) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)
Detroit files largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S history – The Washington Post(7.18.2013)
Detroit files biggest ever U.S. municipal bankruptcy | Reuters(7.18.2013)
municipal: relating to or belonging to the government of a town or city
In a letter accompanying the filing, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder said he had approved a request from Orr to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection noting, “Detroit simply cannot raise enough revenue to meet its current obligations, and that is a situation that is only projected to get worse absent a bankruptcy filing.”
via Detroit files for bankruptcy, stage set for court fight | Reuters
かつては製造業の中心地だったデトロイト市。第二次世界大戦中は、巨大自動車産業が飛行機やタンク車、軍需物資(munitions)の製造に切り替え、街は「民主主義の兵器廠(Arsenal of Democracy)」として潤いました。
Now the city’s name has become synonymous with decline, decay and crime. Detroit has seen its population fall to 700,000 from a peak of 1.8 million people in 1950. The city’s government has been beset by corruption cases over the years. Waning investment in street lights and emergency services has left it struggling to police the streets.
The city’s murder rate is at its highest in nearly 40 years; only a third of its ambulances were in service in the first quarter of 2013; and its nearly 78,000 abandoned buildings create “additional public safety problems and reduces the quality of life in the city,” the governor noted in his letter.
via Detroit files for bankruptcy, stage set for court fight | Reuters
Unlike corporate bankruptcies, there have been relatively few Chapter 9 cases since the Bankruptcy Act was amended in 1934 to include municipalities. This means there is little precedent and the number of creditors means a complicated road ahead.
via Detroit files for bankruptcy, stage set for court fight | Reuters
ミシガン州と言えば、ドキュメンタリー映画監督として知られるマイケル・ムーアさんのデビュー作品『ロジャー & ミー(Roger & Me)』(1989)も、ゼネラル・モータースの工場閉鎖やリストラ問題を経て急激に荒廃していく故郷ミシガン州フリントの様子を描いていました。
Detroit (1701-2013). Don’t cry for us, America. You’re next.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) July 19, 2013