イチロー選手のバットに関する NY タイムズの記事で目にした「apparently」の意味とは?

2週間ほど前にニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(The New York Times)にイチロー選手のバットに関する記事が掲載されていたので、興味を持って読んでみました。


(By Dave Sizer (Opening Day – Mariners 2010) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons


Apparently, that cannot be done with spongy, sweaty bats.



“apparently” は「どうやら〜らしい」という意味で、日常会話などでもよく使われています。

apparently | Longman

  1. [sentence adverb] used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it
  2. according to the way someone looks or a situation appears, although you cannot be sure

(2. のように見た目や状況から「どうやら〜らしい」と判断するだけじゃなく、1. のように人から聞いて「どうやら〜らしい」と判断する場合にも使えるんですね。どちらの場合にも共通するのは、本人が確信を持っていないことです。)





  1. 腹を立ててバットを折ってしまった時、バットを作ってくれた職人さんにお詫びの手紙を書いた(オリックス時代)
  2. この北海道にあるアオダモ(Tamo)という木を使ってバットを手作りする職人(craftman)さんというのは、おそらく久保田五十一(くぼた・いそかず)さんのことでしょう。

    During a game for the Orix Blue Wave in Japan in 1999, Ichiro Suzuki struck out and returned to the dugout unusually frustrated. In a fit of anger, he destroyed his black Mizuno bat. Embarrassed, Suzuki wrote a letter of apology to the craftsman who had made his bats by hand from Tamo wood, grown on the Japanese island of Hokkaido. Such was the respect that Suzuki felt for the process that created the bats, which he wielded with such skill.

  3. バイオリンの名器「ストラディバリウス」並にめっちゃ大事にバットを扱っている。
  4. ヤンキースのピッチャー、ブーン・ローガン(Boone Logan)選手の証言「イチローさんってロック・スターみたいな着こなししはるんですけど、それでバットをケースに入れて持ち歩いたら、ギター持ってるロック・ミュージシャンみたいなんですよね。」

    Today, after a decade in the major leagues, Suzuki still displays that same reverence on a daily basis, caring for his bats like Stradivarius violins. While most players dump their bats in cylindrical canvas bags when they are not using them, Suzuki neatly stacks his best eight bats inside a shockproof, moisture-free black case that he keeps close by his locker at home and on the road.

    “He dresses like a rock star and he carries his bats around in a case like a rock musician with a guitar,” Yankees pitcher Boone Logan said. “It fits his style perfectly.”

  5. バットをチェックする時も慎重かつ丁寧
  6. 丁寧にバットをとり出して端から端まで確かめ、手首で叩いて聞こえてくる音に耳を澄ませ、バットに指をなぞらせて木目をチェックし、そしてまた大事にケースの中にしまうそうです。

    During the Yankees’ recent series at Boston’s Fenway Park, Suzuki sat at his locker and clicked open his box like a sharpshooter opening a rifle case. He gently pulled out a bat and examined it from tip to handle, and every place in between. He banged it with the heel of his hand and listened to the tone that followed, then he ran his fingers across the bat to check the grain before carefully placing it back in the case.



The case, which looks like a mini trunk, not only protects the bats from jostling and banging during transports, it also serves as a dehumidifier, drawing moisture out of the bats during the hot, humid American summers.

At the bottom of his bat case, which is made for him by Mizuno, the same Japanese equipment manufacturer that still makes his bats, are two bags of moisture-absorbing blue pellets, much like larger versions of the small packets that come with some packaged goods. As the pellets absorb water they turn pink and Suzuki can monitor the level of humidity by how quickly the pellets change colors.

“Depending on how fast that turns you can get the barometer of how much moisture is in there,” he said.



“In New York, Texas, Baltimore, you take your bat from the clubhouse to the dugout and it’s like it’s sweating from all the moisture,” he said through his interpreter. “It’s really shocking to see it.”

For Suzuki, a preeminent scientist in the field of hitting, regulating the amount of moisture in his bat is critical to the touch and feel of it. A hard, dry bat with just the right amount of water content has helped Suzuki become one of the best hitters in the game.

“The moment when the ball leaves the bat, that feeling of a moist bat, it doesn’t feel as good,” he said. “That feel of the ball coming off the bat is different.”



Suzuki keeps four game-ready bats laid out on the top row of the spongy foam inside the case. Underneath that top row is another layer of four bats that could be promoted to game duty after he tests them in batting practice and assesses their worthiness.

Each of Suzuki’s bats is precisely 33.46 inches in length and weighs 31 to 31.75 ounces, depending on how much moisture is in it at any given time. If a game bat breaks, or if one collects too much moisture on the bat rack during a particularly humid night, Suzuki might exchange it for one of the lower four in the case and then use that one in a game.
