
先日夫ジェガーさんが新しく買ってきたゴミ袋(garbage bags)を使おうと、ゴミを入れたところ、なんと底からゴミが落ちました。「え!?」と言いながらよく見てみると、なんとゴミ袋の底が綴じられていません。


それを見てジェガーさんが “OK, I’m done buying them. Period.” と言いました。




英文の終わりに打つ点(.)を “period” と言いますが、あれ、会話でも使われます

1. a particular length of time with a beginning and an end
2. a particular time in someone’s life or in history
3. the flow of blood that comes from a woman’s body each month
4. [American English] the mark (.), used in of writing to show the end of a sentence or of an abbreviation
5. one of the equal parts that the school day is divided into
6. one of the equal parts that a game is divided into in a sport such as ice hockey
7. period! [American English] [spoken] used to emphasize that you have made a decision and that you do not want to discuss the subject any more [= full stop!]:


a href=”http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/period_1″ target=”_blank”>period | Longman Dictionary


OK, I’m done buying them. Period.

