米北西部で大地震!?の記事で目にした「fault line」の意味とは?

私の住んでいる米北西部ことパシフィック・ノースウェスト(Pacific Northwest)では今、大地震が起こる可能性が指摘されています。

発端となったニューヨーカー誌の記事『The Earthquake That Will Devastate Seattle(シアトルを壊滅させる大地震について)』を読んでみると、”fault line” という単語が何度も出てきました。

Every fault line has an upper limit to its potency, determined by its length and width, and by how far it can slip.

The Earthquake That Will Devastate Seattle – The New Yorker

That timespan is dangerous both because it is too long—long enough for us to unwittingly build an entire civilization on top of our continent’s worst fault line—and because it is not long enough.

The Earthquake That Will Devastate Seattle – The New Yorker




“fault line” は「断層線」という意味です。

1. A line on a rock surface or the ground that traces a geological fault.
2. A divisive issue or difference of opinion that is likely to have serious consequences

(”fault” が「断層」という意味で、「活断層」は “active fault” と言われます。2. のように、深刻な結果をもたらしそうな意見の相違や分裂した問題を指すこともあるんですね〜)

fault line | Oxford dictionary (American English)


Every fault line has an upper limit to its potency, determined by its length and width, and by how far it can slip.


The Earthquake That Will Devastate Seattle – The New Yorker

That timespan is dangerous both because it is too long—long enough for us to unwittingly build an entire civilization on top of our continent’s worst fault line—and because it is not long enough.


The Earthquake That Will Devastate Seattle – The New Yorker
