以前からちまちま読んでいた、アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ(Ernest Hemingway)著『移動祝祭日(A Moveable Feast)』を、ついに読み終わりました!
本を読み始めたきっかけはこちら→ 小説『グレート・ギャツビー』で何度も目にした「scorn」の意味とは? | ツカウエイゴ
その中で、”articulate” という単語を何度か目にしました。
I was learning very much from him but I was not articulate enough to explain it to anyone.(p.22)
Scott was very articulate and told a story well.(p.147)
I was very lucky always that my best friends were not writers and to have known many intelligent people who were articulate.(p.181)
“articulate” はこの場合、3文とも「雄弁な」という意味で使われています。
- able to express your thoughts, arguments, and ideas clearly and effectively
- articulate writing or speech is clear and easy to understand
- [BIOLOGY] an articulate animal has joints (=parts of the body where two bones meet)
(1. の意味では人に対して、2. の意味では文章や話に対して使われるんですね!3. は生物用語で、「関節がある」という意味になります。)
If I walked down by different streets to the Jardin du Luxembourg in the afternoon I could walk through the gardens and then go to the Musee du Luxembourg where the great paintings were that have now mostly been transferred to the Louvre and the Jeu de Paume. I went there nearly every day for the Cézanne and to see the Manets and the Monets and the other Impressionists that I had first come to know about in the Art Institute at Chicago. I was learning something from the painting of Cézanne that made writing simple true sentences far from enough to make the stories have the dimensions that I was trying to put in them.
(Paul Cézanne [French, 1839 – 1906], Still Life with Apples, French, 1893 – 1894, Oil on canvas, Unframed: 65.4 x 81.6 cm (25 3/4 x 32 1/8 in.) Framed [outer dim]: 84.5 x 101.3 x 6 cm (33 1/4 x 39 7/8 x 2 3/8 in.), 96.PA.8. Digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program.)
It was wonderful to walk down the long fights of stairs knowing that I’d had good luck working. I always worked until I had something done and I always stopped when I knew what was going to happen next. That way I could be sure of going on the next day. But sometimes when I was starting a new story and I could not get it going, I would sit in front of the fire and squeeze the peel of the little oranges into the edge of the flame and watch the sputter of blue that they made. I would stand and look out over the roofs of Paris and think, “Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.” So finally I would write one true sentence, and then go on from there. It was easy then because there was always one true sentence that you knew or had seen or had heard someone say. If I started to write elaborately, or like someone introducing or presenting something, I found that I could cut that scrollwork or ornament out and throw it away and start with the first true simple declarative sentence I had written.(p.22)
後半の『On Writing in the First Person(一人称で書くこと)』という章立てについては、もう全文書き写したいくらいですが、めちゃ長くなるので控えておきます。
このエッセイには、同時代にヘミングウェイと交流があったさまざまな有名人が登場します。たとえば、詩人エズラ・パウンド(Ezra Pound)、作家ガートルード・スタイン(Gertrude Stein)、『ユリシーズ(Ulysses)』で知られる作家ジェイムズ・ジョイス(James Joyce)、今もパリにある『シェイクスピア書店(Shakespeare and Company)』の店主シルヴィア・ビーチ(Sylvia Beach)、そしてスコット・フィッツジェラルド(F. Scott Fitzgerald)。
He spoke slightingly but without bitterness of everything he had written, and I knew his new book must be very good for him to speak, without bitterness, of the faults of past books. He wanted me to read the new book, The Great Gatsby, as soon as he could get his last and only copy back from someone had loaned it to. To hear him talk of it, you would never know how very good it was, except that he had the shyness about it that all non-conceited writers have when they have done something very fine, and I hoped he would get the book quickly so that I might read it.
Scott told me that he had heard from Maxwell Parkins that the book was not selling well but that it had very fine reviews. I do not remember whether it was that day, or much later that he showed me a review by Gilbert Seldes that could not have been better. It could only have been better if Gilbert Seldes had been better. I believe it was much better later. Scott was puzzled and hurt that the book was not selling well but, as I said, he was not at all bitter then and he was both shy and happy about the book quality.
ちなみに、アーネスト・ヘミングウェイの孫ショーン・ヘミングウェイ(Sean Hemingway)による前書きを読んで知ったのですが、なんとフィッツジェラルドも同時期のパリの様子を『バビロン再訪(Babylon Revisited)』(1931年 ※村上春樹訳のタイトルは「バビロンに帰る」)という短編にまとめていたそう。