『私はアダム・ランザの母です(I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother)』の記事で目にした「In the wake of」の意味とは?

昨日紹介した『I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother』の記事。

I Am Adam Lanza's Mother


In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.



“in the wake of” は、コネチカット(Connecticut)州サンディ・フック・エレメンタリー・スクール(Sandy Hook Elementary School)で起こった銃乱射事件に関する記事を読んでいて何度も目にしました。「〜をきっかけに」という意味です。

in the wake of | The Free Dictionary

in the wake of: after something; as a result of some event. (Alludes to a ship’s wake.)

(wake にはもともと「船が通った後にできる波紋」という意味があります。そこから来ているんですね!)



この一文に示されている通り、事件直後は銃や銃社会に対する意見や記事が目立っていて、私も銃に関する記事を見ては目を通していました。ライザ・ロング(Liza Long)さんの書いたこの記事は、それら一連の流れに一石を投じる格好になってはります。




Three days before 20 year-old Adam Lanza killed his mother, then opened fire on a classroom full of Connecticut kindergartners, my 13-year old son Michael (name changed) missed his bus because he was wearing the wrong color pants.

“I can wear these pants,” he said, his tone increasingly belligerent, the black-hole pupils of his eyes swallowing the blue irises.

“They are navy blue,” I told him. “Your school’s dress code says black or khaki pants only.”

“They told me I could wear these,” he insisted. “You’re a stupid bitch. I can wear whatever pants I want to. This is America. I have rights!”

“You can’t wear whatever pants you want to,” I said, my tone affable, reasonable. “And you definitely cannot call me a stupid bitch. You’re grounded from electronics for the rest of the day. Now get in the car, and I will take you to school.”

I live with a son who is mentally ill. I love my son. But he terrifies me.


これまで保護監察官(probation officers)やソーシャル・ワーカー、カウンセラーや学校関係者らと話し合いを重ね、自閉症スペクトラム(Autism spectrum)や ADHD(注意欠陥・多動性障害)、反抗的行為障害(Oppositional Defiant)、間欠性爆発性障害(Intermittent Explosive Disorder)などが考えられたそう。

マイケルの IQ は飛び抜けて高く、機嫌の良い時は非常に勉強熱心やそうです。7年生の始めに数学と科学の上級プログラムを受けられることになったほど、優秀な頭の持ち主です。






This problem is too big for me to handle on my own. Sometimes there are no good options. So you just pray for grace and trust that in hindsight, it will all make sense.

I am sharing this story because I am Adam Lanza’s mother. I am Dylan Klebold’s and Eric Harris’s mother. I am James Holmes’s mother. I am Jared Loughner’s mother. I am Seung-Hui Cho’s mother. And these boys—and their mothers—need help. In the wake of another horrific national tragedy, it’s easy to talk about guns. But it’s time to talk about mental illness.

Mother Jones によると、1982年以来、銃器を用いた大量殺人は全米で61件起こっているそうです。犯人のうち43人が白人男性で、女性は1人。ほとんどは合法的に銃を所持していました。


ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ(Human Rights Watch)によると、2000年から2006年の間に刑務所内の精神病患者数は4倍に増加。刑務所外の環境と比べると、精神病を患っている人の割合は5倍に及びます。州経営の治療センターや病院の閉鎖にともない、刑務所がいまや精神病患者の最後の居場所となっているようです。


No one wants to send a 13-year old genius who loves Harry Potter and his snuggle animal collection to jail. But our society, with its stigma on mental illness and its broken healthcare system, does not provide us with other options. Then another tortured soul shoots up a fast food restaurant. A mall. A kindergarten classroom. And we wring our hands and say, “Something must be done.”

I agree that something must be done. It’s time for a meaningful, nation-wide conversation about mental health. That’s the only way our nation can ever truly heal.

昨日も書いた通り、この記事は大反響を呼び、賛否両方の意見が多数集まりました。自分もライザさんと同じ状況にあるという母親や家族からの賛同や支援のコメント。マイケルのプライバシーを心配したり、息子への配慮が足りないとライザさんを非難したりする声。『Stop Blaming Newtown Tragedy On Mental Illness(ニュータウンの悲劇を精神病のせいにするのはやめよう)』のような記事もアップされ、精神病と犯罪を安易に結びつけるのは誤解を招く恐れもあるのでよくないという意見も見られました。

犯人のアダム・ランザは、アスペルガー症候群(Asperger’s syndrome)という自閉症の一種を患っていたと言われています。それを受けてロングさんもこの記事を書いたのかもしれません。でも、私が記事を読んだ時はまだ犯人の動機や母親との関係などはよくわかっていなかったので、「ライザさんは “I am Adam Lanza’s mother” って言ってはるけど、アダム・ランザの母親も果たしてほんまに息子との関係で同じように悩んではったんやろか?」と思っていました。すると、今日になって犯人の動機に関する新しい情報が発覚。

ハフィントン・ポスト紙(The Huffington Post)の『Adam Lanza’s Motive: Did Fear Of Being Committed Lead To Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting?(アダム・ランザの動機:施設への収容を恐れたのが引き金に?)』(2012年12月)という記事によると、事件発生前、アダム・ランザの母ナンシーは、息子を精神病施設(psychiatric facility )に入れようとしていたそうです。


Nancy Lanza, the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter, was in the process of having her son committed to a psychiatric facility when he went on the mass shooting spree, a lifelong family acquaintance told Fox News.

A senior law enforcement official also confirmed that 20-year-old Lanza’s anger over his mother’s plan is being investigated as a possible motive for the Newtown shooting.

“From what I’ve been told, Adam was aware of her petitioning the court for conservatorship and (her) plans to have him committed,” said Joshua Flashman, 25, who grew up not far from where the shooting took place. “Adam was apparently very upset about this. He thought she just wanted to send him away. From what I understand, he was really, really angry. I think this could have been it, what set him off.”

It’s unclear whether Adam’s mother, Nancy Lanza, was really filing the paperwork, because court officials say that such records are sealed. But she would have gone through a longer process to get legal rights to commit an adult to a hospital or psych ward against his will.

一方、NY Daily News の記事 では、ランザ家の友人の証言を引き合いに出し、事件発生前に母ナンシーがひきこもり状態のアダム・ランザに対して家を出るように言っていたことが伝えられています。アダムはそれを拒否し、事件当日までの3日間、2人は一切会話をしていなかったそう。

In the days before the massacre, the mother of Adam Lanza was pushing her loner son to leave the Newtown home that provided his refuge from reality, a family friend told the Daily News Wednesday.

“He sat in his room playing video games for hours and hours,” the friend said. “She thought the best thing was for him to get out of the house and into the world. To interact with people a little bit.”

But the 20-year-old rejected the idea and stopped speaking to his mother, the friend said. Nancy Lanza and her youngest son hadn’t talked for three days before he fatally shot her Friday morning and then murdered 20 children and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Nancy Lanza had brought her son to a psychiatrist as he became increasingly anti-social — spending endless hours in his room by himself.

When the mother pressed the issue of moving away, “he didn’t want to leave,” according to the pal. “He didn’t understand why she wanted him to go out into the world. She told me she couldn’t reach him — and she was worried.”

A recent attempt to take Adam on a southern vacation ended with his refusal to accompany his mom, who was also suggesting that he needed to get a job or perhaps start college.

“She felt that he was slipping into himself, and that it was time for him to move forward,” the friend said. “He was pushing back against this idea.




ライザ・ロングさんのインタビュー映像も取り上げています→ 大反響を呼んだ記事『I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother』に関するインタビュー映像で耳にした「diagnose」の意味とは?