
ここ最近のニュースで個人的にびっくりしたのは、運賃を体重で決める宣言をしたサモア航空(Samoa Air)。最初、エイプリルフールのネタかと思いました。

Airplanes jets

そこで NBC News の記事『Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight』(2013年4月 / 情報源は The Associated Press)を読んでみたところ、

Vaeafe said the pricing system has worked in Samoa but it’s not clear whether it will be embraced by travelers in the U.S. territory.

via Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight | World News



“embrace” はこの場合、「受け入れる」という意味で使われています。

embrace | Macmillan Dictionary

  1. to completely accept something such as a new belief, idea, or way of life
    • to accept and include something

  2. to put your arms around someone in order to show love or friendship

(2. のように、愛情や友情を示すために相手を抱擁する意味でも使われます!)

体重を基に運賃を決める価格体系はサモアでは機能したけど、米国領地の旅行者に受け入れられるのかは不明、との見方を米領サモア観光局(American Samoa Visitors Bureau)のエグゼクティブ・ディレクターは示していたんですね〜


というわけで記事によると、1回の利用で支払う額は(体重 [kg] +荷物の量 [kg])X (93セント〜1.06ドル / 距離に応じる)とのこと。1キロ2.2パウンドなので、195パウンド(約88キロ)の人が35パウンド(約16キロ)の荷物を持って旅行する場合、片道約97ドルを支払う計算になります。


※補足:サモア航空の公式サイトを見ると、現在国際線の目的地となっているのは、米領サモア(American Samoa)、北トンガ(North Tonga)、ニウエ(Niue)、北クック諸島(North Cook Islands)、フランス領ポリネシア(French Polynesia)となっています。


Travelers in the region already are weighed before they fly because the planes used between the islands are small, said David Vaeafe, executive director of the American Samoa Visitors Bureau. Samoa Air’s fleet includes two nine-seat planes for commercial routes and a three-seater for an air taxi service.

via Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight | World News



The airline’s chief executive, Chris Langton, said Tuesday that “planes are run by weight and not by seat, and travelers should be educated on this important issue. The plane can only carry a certain amount of weight and that weight needs to be paid. There is no other way.”

via Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight | World News


“For example, a 12- or 13-year-old passenger, who is small in size and weight, won’t have to pay an adult fare, based on airline fares that anyone 12 years and older does pay the adult fare,” he said.

via Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight | World News


Langton said passengers who need more room will be given one row on the plane to ensure comfort.

via Samoa airline to price tickets by passenger weight | World News

ちなみに、Chicago Tribune の記事『Airline says pay-by-weight plan is ‘fairest’ way to fly』(2013年4月)によると、太平洋諸島の国々は肥満率の高さが世界トップ水準。サモアの肥満率は59.6%で、世界第4位とのこと(世界保健機関調べ)。

The Pacific Islands contain some of the world’s most prevalent countries for obesity, many ranking in the top 10, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Samoa is ranked number four, with 59.6 percent of the population considered obese, said the most recent 2008 WHO report.

via pay by weight: Airlines charging passengers based on how much the weigh | chicagotribune.com


“When the initial shock has worn off, there’s been nothing but support,” said Langton. “People who are up around 200 kg (330 pounds) recognise they’re paying (for) 200 kg, so they deserve to get 200 kg of comfort,” he added.

via pay by weight: Airlines charging passengers based on how much the weigh | chicagotribune.com


今後こういうサービス形態が広がっていくかどうかはわかりませんが、案外ありかもしれませんね。実際、利用客のフィードバックは「驚くほどポジティブ(amazingly positive)」やそうです。

