最初の頃は正直「自分で確定申告するの面倒くさいな〜」と思っていましたが、普段から節税を意識できるのは良いところ。USA Today の記事で確定申告のヒントが紹介されていたので読んでみると、”deduction” という言葉を何回も目にしました。
Money Quick Tips: Six tax do’s and don’ts | USA Today(2013年2月)
“deduction” は「控除」という意味です。
- an amount or number taken from a total
- the process of taking an amount or number from a total
- something that you know from the information or evidence that you have
- the process of finding something out by considering the information or evidence that you have
- 医療費
- 職探し
- チャリティ
- フリーランスや一時的な仕事による収入
- 仕事場
- 詐欺に注意
医療費は、調整後総所得(AGI: adjusted gross income)の7.5%以上にならないと、控除の対象になりません。でも、見逃しがちなのが、眼鏡やコンタクトに対する処方せんも医療費控除の対象になること。なんと、車いすや補聴器と同じ扱いになるそうです。IRS Publication 502 によると、コンタクトの洗浄液なども含められます。さらに医療アポイントに対する交通費も控除の対象になる(運転の場合は1マイルに付き23セント)そう。眼鏡やコンタクトは知ってましたが、交通費は知りませんでした!
1. Look at medical deductions. You can only deduct costs that are more than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. But don’t overlook any medical deductions such as prescription eye glasses and contacts. Believe it or not, they fall into the same category as medical expenses such as wheelchairs and hearing aids. And you can deduct 23 cents a mile for driving to and from medical appointments. For more information:
IRS Publication 502: Medical and Dental Expenses
(斡旋業者などの)プロのネットワークに登録したり、名刺や文具に投資したり、面接に行ったりするのは、失業していなくても控除の対象になるそうです。ただし、Job search expenses can be tax deductible によると、同じ職務である必要があります。
2. You don’t have to be unemployed to take advantage of job-hunting write-offs. If you join a professional network, invest in some nice stationery or business cards, travel for an interview … it can all be deducted even if you’re just looking for a different, better job. For more information:
3. Sure, you give money to charity and you’ve even tallied up the value of all the clothes and other items you’ve donated to charity. But you can also deduct 14 cents per mile for all the driving you do on behalf of charity. For more information:
Tax Topic: Charitable contributions
4. Don’t forget that freelance gig or temp job. You’ve got to report ALL income, even small sources of it. Otherwise there may be a variation in your filing vs. official income records based on what others are claiming, and even a small discrepancy could set off red flags and trigger an audit. For more information:
Tax Topic: Types of income
5. If you’re calling it a home office and taking related deductions, make sure the space is not serving double duty as a storage room or playroom. The IRS requires “exclusive” use. If you can meet that threshold, the deductions can be substantial and include portions of property taxes, utilities and insurance. For more information:
Tax topic: Home office deduction
フィッシング詐欺や個人情報の盗難には十分注意。勝手にメールが送り付けられてくるなど、ちょっとでも違和感を覚えることがあれば、すぐ IRS に直接確認するようにします。IRS のサイトは “IRS.gov” で、”IRS.net” でも “IRS.com” でもないので、そういった細かい違いにも要注意です。
6. Keep this steadfast rule in mind to avoid phishing schemes and identity theft: The IRS is not big on e-mail. They’re not going to send you unsolicited e-mails about your finances. Your best bet is to go to the official IRS website directly vs. responding to anything that gets sent or pushed to you. And, remember, it’s IRS.gov, not .net or .com