

Earthquake Response by the U.S. Navy

さっそく読んでみると、短い記事の中に見出しも含めて計4箇所、”debris” という単語が出てきました。

Another large piece of apparent debris from the Japanese tsunami nearly two years ago has washed up on an Oahu shore.

The boat has Japanese writing on it and is covered with barnacles similar to other tsunami debris that has come ashore in recent months.

The state has been notified and says they will send a team to investigate and confirm if this is tsunami debris.


“debris” は「がれき」という意味です。

debris | Longman Dictionary

  1. the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc
  2. [technical] pieces of waste material, paper etc

(東日本大震災関連のニュースでは “tsunami debris〔津波によって発生したがれき〕” という表現で見聞きする機会が多いです。)




一方、昨日は昨日で『Millions of tonnes of tsunami debris approaching B.C.’s coastal communities』(2013年2月)という記事がありました。この春にたくさんの漂流物が北米西海岸付近に流れ着く予定やそうです。


Just how much debris is swirling in the sea is hotly debated.

Scientists at the University of Hawaii have estimated the amount at more than 18 million tonnes. Other estimates are as high as 25 million tonnes. Yet the Japanese Ministry of the Environment says just five million tonnes washed out to sea.


Q. 洋上漂流物は全部でどのくらいあるのですか?

A. 東日本大震災発災直後において、150万トン程度が洋上漂流物となったと推計されていますが、 既に陸に引き上げられたものや時間の経過とともに海中に沈んでしまっているものもあると考えられるため、現在漂流しているものは、それよりもさらに少ない量であると考えられます。




と書かれていて、産経新聞の記事『震災がれき 北米漂着、来年2月には4万トン超 生態系に悪影響懸念』(2012年10月)には、



これに対し、先ほどの『Millions of tonnes of tsunami debris approaching B.C.’s coastal communities』(2013年2月)に書かれていた漂流がれきの量は150万〜300万トン。これはカリフォルニア州の大きさに相当するそうで、今年から来年にかけてこれらがカリフォルニアからアラスカまでの海岸に漂着すると見られています。


The majority of the debris is expected to sink or to end up caught in the eddies of the North Pacific garbage patch.

But that could still leave millions of tonnes afloat at sea — recent estimates put the number at 1.5 to 3 million tonnes. That represents an ocean of garbage some experts think could be the size of California — and the bulk of this is expected to hit the Pacific Coast, from California to Alaska — in 2013-14.

Irving said the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has warned coastal B.C. communities to expect the first big increase in debris in April.

“Right now it has levelled off, but they think it is really going to show up in April. They see quite large volumes arriving,” Irving said.


“The most challenging debris are the smallest pieces,” Osborne said.

“We will be able to deal with large objects, one way or another, but I’m very concerned about the possible amount of tiny styrofoam and plastic pieces that may be washing ashore for years to come.

“It’s challenging to distinguish the source of debris on local beaches, whether it is from the Japan tsunami or from a fishing vessel or some other source.


As part of their preparations, Ucluelet set up dedicated tsunami debris bins at the local public works yard. Ultimately, much of the plastic, glass, wood and other reusable materials are expected to be recycled, the rest disposed of.


The group also played down fears that some of the debris could be contaminated with radioactivity from Fukishima, noting that “the majority of the debris will have been swept away from Japan during and immediately following the earthquake and tsunami – prior to the issues with the nuclear reactor.”

Despite this, the province will do some sample testing of debris as a safeguard. To date, no test has detected radiation, according to the September 2012 update from DFO.

今のところ、漂流物の問題は各州政府に任されていますが、先ほどの産経新聞の記事『震災がれき 北米漂着、来年2月には4万トン超 生態系に悪影響懸念』(2012年10月)に



※アイキャッチ画像:by Fox News Insider [CC-BY-2.0], via Flickr