映画『ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者』の海外レビュー記事で目にした「spaghetti western」の意味とは?
今月25日にアメリカで公開されたクエンティン・タランティーノ(Quentin Tarantino)監督最新作『ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者(Django Unchained)』(2013年3月1日日本公開)。私もジェガーさんとさっそく公開初日に観てきたのですが、劇場ほぼ満員でした。
日本語字幕付きはこちら→ 映画『ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者』日本版予告編 | YouTube
さっそく観終わってから例のごとくいろいろオンラインをチェックしていたら、Indiewire が各媒体のレビューを比較していたので興味を持って読んでみたところ、”spaghetti western” という表現がたくさん目につきました。
‘Django Unchained’: Why Spike Lee Refuses to See It, More Reviews | Thompson on Hollywood
“spaghetti western” はずばり、「マカロニ・ウェスタン」のことです。
spaghetti western: a western motion picture produced in Italy
- Dana Stevens, Slate
- A. O. Scott, The New York Times
- David Edelstein, New York Magazine
- Richard Corliss, Time
- Peter Debruge, Variety
- Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter
- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
- Ann Hornaday, Washington Post
Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino’s blaxploitation spaghetti western about a freed slave turned bounty hunter, provoked a lot of contradictory feelings in me, including some that don’t usually come in pairs: Hilarity and boredom. Aesthetic delight and physical nausea. Fist-pumping righteousness and vague moral unease.
Of course, provoking intense feelings is what Tarantino’s cinema is all about.
Django Unchained, reviewed. | Slate Magazine
この記事では、映画の要所要所に見られる「ばかばかしさ」について触れてはります。KKK(クー・クルックス・クラン:白人至上主義者による組織)の集まるシーンは私もかなり笑いました。顔がマスクで隠れているために実体のない怖さを感じさせる KKK の “人間臭さ” が、まさに「ばかばかしい」会話で見事に表現されていました。
The plot is, by Mr. Tarantino’s standards, fairly linear, without the baroque chronology of “Pulp Fiction” or the parallel story lines of “Inglourious Basterds.” But the movie does take its time, and it wanders over a wide expanse of geographic and thematic territory.
In addition to Mr. Tarantino’s trademark dialogue-heavy, suspense-filled set pieces, there are moments of pure silliness, like a gathering of hooded night riders (led by Don Johnson), and a late escapade (featuring Mr. Tarantino speaking in an Australian accent) that perhaps owes more to Bugs Bunny than to any other cultural archetype.
Of course, the realm of the archetypal is where popular culture lives, and Mr. Tarantino does not hesitate to train his revisionist energies on some deep and ancient national legends. Like many westerns, “Django Unchained” latches onto a simple, stark picture of good and evil, and takes homicidal vengeance as the highest — if not the only — form of justice.
Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’ Stars Jamie Foxx | NYTimes.com
あと、「展開が読めるのに、どのシーンも全然関係のない方向に脱線していく傾向にある」とも書いてありますが、これもまさにそう。その先にはだいたい「笑い」が待っています。彼も KKK のシーンを引き合いにしてはりますが、KKK のシーンで笑っている人めちゃ多かったです。
Django Unchained doesn’t merely hit its marks; it blows them to bloody chunks. It’s manna for mayhem mavens. The cast is hip, but you knew that already — hipsterism is automatically conferred on actors in QT pictures. And though the plot turns are predictable, every scene is apt to wander off into an alley of irrelevance in which comic surprises await — among them a protracted griping session featuring Klansmen who can’t see out their eyeholes. Parts of the film are maniacally funny. Of course, no matter how hard you laugh at Tarantino’s audacity, you have a feeling he’s laughing louder. For all its pleasures, Django Unchained feels too easy, too dead-center in Tarantino’s comfort zone. He’s not challenging himself in any way that matters. He has become his own Yes Man.
前作『イングロリアス・バスターズ(Inglourious Basterds)』(2009)では悪役「ユダヤ・ハンター」ことランダ大佐を演じたクリストフ・ヴァルツ(Christoph Waltz)がアカデミー賞助演男優賞を受賞しましたが、今回 “栄えある悪役” に選ばれたレオナルド・ディカプリオ(Leonardo DiCaprio)もかなり良い味を出してはります。記事にも書いてありますが、「この悪役演じるの相当楽しかったんやろうな〜」という雰囲気満載。それを見るだけでにやにやしてしまいます。ただ、個人的には、ディカプリオ演じるプランテーションの領主カルヴィン・キャンディ(Calvin Candie)の付き人ステファン(Stephen)役を務めたサミュエル・L・ジャクソン(Samuel L. Jackson)も相当濃いキャラでツボにはまりました。
彼らに加え、クリストフ・ヴァルツの存在感があまりにも強いため、主役のジェイミー・フォックス(Jamie Foxx)より脇役の方が目立つ結果となっています。
As in so many Tarantino films, the featured players, especially the villains, get the juiciest roles. Jackson, sprung to stardom in Pulp Fiction, is creepy-conniving terrific as a slave wielding sick power over his kind. DiCaprio, whom Tarantino had first considered for the role eventually taken by Waltz in Inglorious Basterds, takes several pages from the Johnny Depp fop book as the Candie man. Flashing his yellow teeth and waving his cigarette holder like the baton of a conductor leading the Ninth Circle of Hell Symphony Orchestra, DiCaprio is a jaunty, smiling Satan — and the actor’s first role in years where he seems to be enjoying himself. He, Waltz and Jackson are surrounded by a passel of veteran tough guys from the movies the director loved in his video days (Don Johnson, Bruce Dern, Michael Parks, Robert Carradine, M.C. Gainey, Tom Wopat), plus Jonah Hill in that incongruous, endless jape about the bag-masks, and QT himself in two small roles.
‘Django Unchained’: Tarantino Frees the Slaves | TIME.com
実際、1966年版のジャンゴを演じたフランコ・ネロ(Franco Nero)もカメオ出演してはりますし、オープニングでも『ジャンゴ』のテーマ曲が流れます。
The “D” is silent, though the name of “Django Unchained’s” eponymous gunslinger sounds like a retaliatory whip across the face of white slaveholders, offering an immensely satisfying taste of antebellum empowerment packaged as spaghetti-Western homage. Christened after a coffin-toting Sergio Corbucci character who metes out bloody justice below the Mason-Dixon line, Django joins a too-short list of slaves-turned-heroes in American cinema, as this zeitgeist-shaping romp cleverly upgrades the mysterious Man in Black archetype to a formidable Black Man. Once again, Quentin Tarantino rides to the Weinsteins’ rescue, delivering a bloody hilarious (and hilariously bloody) Christmas counter-programmer, which Sony will unleash abroad.
The anecdotal, odyssey-like structure of this long, talky saga could be considered indulgent, but Tarantino injects the weighty material with so many jocular, startling and unexpected touches that it’s constantly stimulating. A stellar cast and strong action and comedy elements will attract a good-sized audience internationally, though distaste for the subject matter and the irreverent take on a tragic subject might make some prospective viewers hesitate.
Django Unchained Review | Hollywood Reporter
Django Unchained is literally all over the place. It twists and turns over an unbridled two hours and 45 minutes, giving history (and your stamina) a serious pounding. It limps, sputters and repeats itself. It explodes with violence and talk, talk, talk. Tarantino’s characters would be lost in the Twitterverse – there’s no end to his tasty dialogue. Not that you’ll care. You’ll be having too much fun. Django Unchained is an exhilarating rush, outrageously entertaining and, hell, just plain outrageous.
Django Unchained | Movie Reviews | Rolling Stone
この記事を読むまですっかり忘れていましたが、そういえばクリストフ・ヴァルツ演じる賞金稼ぎのキング・シュルツ(King Schultz)の乗っている馬車には、てっぺんに歯の模型がくっついています。なんで歯やねんという感じですが、このヴァルツさん元歯医者さん。こういうちょっとしたディテールも好きです。
The most recognizable elements of Tarantino’s style are all on full, florid display: the self-conscious talk-talk-talk interrupted by spasms of graphic cruelty and gore; the poppy color and visual wit (Schultz’s carriage is topped by a tooth on a spring that bounces back and forth like a child’s toy); the nods and winks at grindhouse schlock gone by. “Django Unchained” might raise questions about whether Tarantino is trading in the very brand of voyeuristic exploitation he’s critiquing…

レーベル:℗ 2012 Visiona Romantica, Inc, and Seven Four Entertainment / Universal Republic Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western.It Was A Holocaust.My Ancestors Are Slaves.Stolen From Africa.I Will Honor Them.
— Spike Lee (@SpikeLee) December 22, 2012
日本語字幕付きはこちら→ 映画『リンカーン』 – オリジナル予告編 (日本語字幕) | YouTube