(By Kyle May [CC-BY-2.0], via Flickr)
Study: America Will Be Overwhelmingly Obese by 2030 | WIRED
Fat and getting fatter: U.S. obesity rates to soar by 2030 | Reuters
44% of America Obese by 2030 | The Daily Beast
Group: More than half in 39 states will be obese | AP
Obesity could affect 42% of Americans by 2030 | USA Today
Fat Forecast: 42% of Americans Obese by 2030 | ABC News
これらの記事を読んでいて、やたらと “obese” という言葉を目にしました。
“obese” は「肥満の」という意味です。
obese: Extremely fat; grossly overweight.
(”fat” よりもさらに太っている状態〔下の写真参照〕を指すんですね。”obesity(肥満)” という名詞も日常生活で見聞きする機会が多いです。)
というわけで、この調査を行った『Trust for America’s Health』という団体のレポートを読んでみました。
F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012 | Trust for America’s Health(2012年9月)
- 成人肥満率の予測(Projected Increases in Adult Obesity Rates)
- 病気にかかる率の予測(Projected Increases in Disease Rates)
- 健康保険や生産性の低下に対する費用の予測(Projected Increase in Costs for Health Care and Lost Productivity)
- いかにしてこれらの事態を防ぐか(How Reducing Adult Obesity Could Lower Disease Rates and Health Care Costs)
If obesity rates continue on their current trajectories, by 2030, 13 states could have adult obesity rates above 60 percent, 39 states could have rates above 50 percent, and all 50 states could have rates above 44 percent.
By 2030, Mississippi could have the highest obesity rate at 66.7 percent, and Colorado could have the lowest rate for any state at 44.8 percent. According to the latest data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity rates in 2011 ranged from a high of 34.9 percent in Mississippi to a low of 20.7 percent in Colorado.
If states’ obesity rates continue on their current trajectories, the number of new cases of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke, hypertension and arthritis could increase 10 times between 2010 and 2020—and double again by 2030.
Obesity could contribute to more than 6 million cases of type 2 diabetes, 5 million cases of coronary heart disease and stroke, and more than 400,000 cases of cancer in the next two decades.
Currently, more than 25 million Americans have type 2 diabetes, 27 million have chronic heart disease, 68 million have hypertension and 50 million have arthritis. In addition, 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year, and approximately one in three deaths from cancer per year (approximately 190,650) are related to obesity, poor nutrition or physical inactivity.
By 2030, medical costs associated with treating preventable obesity-related diseases are estimated to increase by $48 billion to $66 billion per year in the United States, and the loss in economic productivity could be between $390 billion and $580 billion annually by 2030. Although the medical cost of adult obesity in the United States is difficult to calculate, current estimates range from $147 billion to nearly $210 billion per year.
Over the next 20 years, nine states also could see their obesity-related health care costs climb by more than 20 percent, with New Jersey on course to see the biggest increase at 34.5 percent. Sixteen states and Washington, D.C., could see increases between 15 percent and 20 percent.
各州で2030年までに州民の平均 BMI 値を5%下げることができれば、大分状況は改善できるみたいです。
平均 BMI 値を5%下げるというのは具体的にいうと、6フィート(約182cm)、200パウンド(約91キロ)の人の場合で10パウンド(約4.5キロ)減に相当するそうです。
The analysis also explored a scenario based on states successfully lowering adult obesity rates. It found that, if states could reduce the average body mass index (BMI) of residents by just 5 percent by 2030, every state could help thousands or millions of people avoid obesity-related diseases, while saving billions of dollars in health care costs. For a six-foot-tall person weighing 200 pounds, a 5 percent reduction in BMI would be the equivalent of losing roughly 10 pounds.
順位 | 州 | 成人肥満率予測 |
1 | ミシシッピ(Mississippi)州 | 66.7% |
2 | オクラホマ(Oklahoma)州 | 66.4% |
3 | デラウェア(Delaware)州 | 64.7% |
4 | テネシー(Tennessee)州 | 63.4% |
5 | サウスカロライナ(South Carolina )州 | 62.9% |
6 | アラバマ(Alabama)州 | 62.6% |
7 | カンザス(Kansas)州 & ルイジアナ(Louisiana)州 | 62.1% |
9 | ミズーリ(Missouri)州 | 61.9% |
10 | アーカンソー(Arkansas)州 | 60.6% |
11 | サウスダコタ(South Dakota)州 | 60.4% |
12 | ウェストバージニア(West Virginia)州 | 60.2% |
13 | ケンタッキー(Kentucky)州 | 60.1% |
14 | オハイオ(Ohio)州 | 59.8% |
15 | ミシガン(Michigan)州 | 59.4% |
16 | アリゾナ(Arizona)州 & メリーランド(Maryland)州 | 58.8% |
18 | フロリダ(Florida)州 | 58.6% |
19 | ノースカロライナ(North Carolina)州 | 58.0% |
20 | ニューハンプシャー(New Hampshire)州 | 58.0% |
21 | テキサス(Texas)州 | 57.2% |
22 | ノースダコタ(North Dakota)州 | 57.1% |
23 | ネブラスカ(Nebraska)州 | 56.9% |
24 | ペンシルベニア(Pennsylvania)州 | 56.7% |
25 | ワイオミング(Wyoming)州 | 56.6% |
26 | ウィスコンシン(Wisconsin)州 | 56.3% |
27 | インディアナ(Indiana)州 | 56.0% |
28 | ワシントン(Washington)州 ←私たちのいるところ | 55.5% |
29 | メイン(Maine)州 | 55.2% |
30 | ミネソタ(Minnesota)州 | 54.7% |
31 | アイオワ(Iowa)州 | 54.4% |
32 | ニューメキシコ(New Mexico)州 | 54.2% |
33 | ロードアイランド(Rhode Island)州 | 53.8% |
34 | イリノイ(Illinois)州 | 53.7% |
35 | ジョージア(Georgia)州 & モンタナ(Montana )州 | 53.6% |
37 | アイダホ(Idaho)州 | 53.0% |
38 | ハワイ(Hawaii)州 | 51.8% |
39 | ニューヨーク(New York)州 | 50.9% |
40 | バージニア(Virginia)州 | 49.7% |
41 | ネバダ(Nevada)州 | 49.6% |
42 | オレゴン(Oregon)州 | 48.8% |
43 | マサチューセッツ(Massachusetts)州 | 48.7% |
44 | ニュージャージー(New Jersey)州 | 48.6% |
45 | バーモント(Vermont)州 | 47.7% |
46 | カリフォルニア(California)州 | 46.6% |
47 | コネチカット(Connecticut)州 | 46.5% |
48 | ユタ(Utah)州 | 46.4% |
49 | アラスカ(Alaska)州 | 45.6% |
50 | コロラド(Colorado)州 | 44.8% |
51 | コロンビア特別区(District of Columbia / ワシントン DC) | 32.6% |
元記事には2011年度の州別肥満率一覧も載っています→ F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012 | Trust for America’s Health