
「おもろい記事持って帰って来たで〜」と、帰宅するなりジェガーさんが渡してくれたこの ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルThe Wall Street Journal)の記事(article)の切り抜き。


While learning American idioms has always been challenging, texting, email and social networks have generated a tidal wave of new slang and abbreviations in English.


“generate” は、「生み出す」という意味です。いろんな文脈で目にするので、改めて辞書を引いてみました。

Generate | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

generate to produce or create something, especially power, money or ideas.

(この定義を読んで、ふと “produce” や “create” との意味の区別がわからなくなったのですが、リンク先にそれらの単語との比較も載っていました。基本的に、物理的に物を生み出す場合は “make” で、仕事や富などは “create”。ただ、物理的な物の場合でも、独自性がある場合は “create”、技術をともなう場合や商品として売ることを考えている場合は “produce” が使われたりするんですね。一方、”generate” は一般的にはエネルギーや利益などに使われることが多いみたいです。そういえば、先日読んだオリンピックの記事のタイトル『David Cameron: London 2012 Olympics ‘can generate £13 billion for the UK’』にも “generate” が使われていました。なるほど〜)



  1. 俗語に馴染みがないと、ネイティブの会話についていけない
  2. Most meetings “start with chitchat,” says the 39-year-old co-founder of LearnFunGo, a discount software-learning website, who moved to Boston five years ago. “And you’re like ‘Hmm, I don’t get it.’ You’re left out.”


  3. 会話についていけなくなるどころか、人間関係に距離が生まれることもある
  4. Getting comfortable with slang is essential for building relationships and communicating at work. For a manager, relying on formal English can create distance.


  5. たいていの人はアメリカに来てから俗語表現の学習の必要性に気づく
  6. Textbooks aren’t much use for managers trying to keep up with viral expressions emerging in music and videos, says Amy Gillett, author of English slang and idiom vocabulary books including “Speak Business English Like an American.” Many professionals don’t realize they need help until they arrive here, says Ms. Gillett, who also is a director of executive education at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.


  7. 教科書や学校も積極的に教えてくれない
  8. At Kennesaw State University in Georgia, the Intensive English Program doesn’t teach a slang expression until it is in use for more than one generation, says David Johnson, a professor of English and director of the program. “We teach things like ‘home run’, which has staying power,” he says.
    At times, the slang terms promulgated in classrooms can be outdated. A recent Berlitz English as a Second Language class in Chicago taught students the meanings of “skedaddle,” which dates back to the Civil War, and “Valley girl,” from the 1980s.


  9. せっかく俗語表現を覚えても、使い方がいまいちよくわからない
  10. Another hurdle: choosing which words and phrases are appropriate for the speaker and the situation.



<人気の俗語表現(The Most Popular Slang)>

  1. Dude
  2. This term —as in “Hey, dude!” and “Dude, what’s up?”— has had an unusually long shelf life for slang. “Nonnative speakers are sometimes curious if there is a female version of ‘dude,'” says Amy Gillett, author of “Speak Business English Like an American.” “But these versions—’dudette’ and “dudess’—never caught on.”

    (私も “dude” の女性版があるのかどうか、実は気になってました。)

  3. Chilling
  4. Hanging out, doing nothing. “Nonnative speakers who strive to sound cool will learn quickly to drop the “g” on the end,” says Ms. Gillett.

    (chilling とか使ったことありませんでした・・・メモメモ。)

  5. Psyched
  6. “It’s easy to use — you can basically drop it in anywhere you would normally use ‘excited,’ says John Hayden, cofounder of a website called English, Baby!

  7. Man up
  8. To “be strong, do what is expected of you.” “This one is popular because it’s current — you hear celebrities use it often,” says Mr. Hayden.

  9. Big deal
  10. To native speakers, this phrase may not even sound like slang, but Mr. Hayden calls it “gateway slang”: “You can learn it and use it easily without much risk of misuse.”

<要注意の俗語表現(The Trickiest Slang)>

  1. What’s Up?/Wassup?
  2. In its shortest form (‘sup?), it can be hard to understand. It’s also hard to answer, says Ms. Gillett. Students “need to learn the acceptable replies—not much, nothing much—instead of replying, ‘Fine,’ ‘Good’ or ‘OK.'”

    (私も “What’s up?” って言われたら、”Good.” って言いがちです・・・)

  3. Shut up!
  4. This phrase can be rude. But “with a smile and rising intonation, it could mean ‘I don’t believe you’ or ‘Really? Tell me more,’ ” says Ms. Gillett. Or if you stress the ‘shut’ and stretch it out, it could mean, ‘No way!’ or ‘That’s hard to believe!'”


  5. Freak out, freak
  6. You can freak, freak someone out or have a freak-out, but you can’t have a freak. “The flexibility of this term makes it hard to know where its limits are,” says Mr. Hayden.

  7. Hook up
  8. This term shouldn’t be used in any kind of romantic overture, as it can refer to many kinds of activities, including kissing and sex. “Nonnative speakers are always heartened to learn that native speakers don’t really know what it means either,” says. Ms. Gillett.

  9. Literally
  10. While this can mean truthfully or without exaggeration, English students learn it can be used to exaggerate. Example: “We have literally been waiting for a table at this restaurant for a million years,” says Mr. Hayden.



Q. <人気の俗語表現>のところに、”dude” という表現が登場していますが、この意味は何だったでしょう?

A. 『グーグル・グラス』のプロモーション・ビデオで耳にした「Sweet!」の意味とは?