先日紹介した映画『二郎は鮨の夢を見る(Jiro Dreams of Sushi)』(日本は来年2月2日公開)を観た後、私がどうしても気になったのが、どうしてアメリカ人の監督が日本の寿司職人を撮ろうと思ったのかということでした。
そこで、Eater のデヴィッド・ゲルブ(David Gelb)監督のインタビュー記事を読んでみました。すると、
The wildly positive assessments so far would suggest that when the movie opens in New York this weekend (and many more cities after that), the audience won’t be limited to just sushi and food freaks.
Director David Gelb on Jiro Dreams of Sushi | Eater(2012年3月)
映画についてはこちらでも紹介しています→ 映画『二郎は鮨の夢を見る』で目にした「halibut」の意味は? | ツカウエイゴ
“wild” という言葉から、私はついつい “wildly” と聞くとすぐ「乱暴に」「激しく」という意味を連想してしまうのですが、この場合は “extremely” に近い意味合いで使われています。
- in a wild manner
- extremely
もともとは『BBC Planet Earth』というドキュメンタリー番組で寿司や寿司職人を取り上げようと思っていたという監督。当初は何人か寿司職人を登場させるつもりだったそうですが、二郎さんに出会って方向性が変わります。
Originally, I wanted to make the BBC Planet Earth for sushi and show the art of sushi with very high-end cinematic elements and music and featuring the best sushi chefs in the world. I originally wanted to include several major sushi chefs, but that changed after I met Jiro and began shooting and seeing that the story between him and Yoshikazu kept coming out.
二郎さんを監督に紹介したのは、ニューヨークを代表するシェフの一人、ダニエル・ブールー(Daniel Boulud)氏。『Daniel』を始めとする有名レストランをいくつも経営し、数々の賞に輝く実績を持つ彼が、熱烈に勧めたのだそうです。
It was actually Daniel Boulud who really emphatically told me that I had to go to Jiro and that I had to eat there and shoot it. Then, when I finally got there on my Japanese research trip, I was just blown away by how amazing the sushi was and how delicious the rice was. It was as if I had never had sushi before.
I owe so much to the food writer Masuhiro Yamamoto, who appears in the film. He’s almost the narrator of the movie. He’s kind of a big shot in the Japanese food scene. He was a judge on Iron Chef in Japan and has published many guidebooks. He’s a well-respected figure and he and Jiro are old friends. So, when I was talking to Yamamoto, he really encouraged me to make the film and also convinced Jiro to appear in it. He really is the unsung hero of the movie, because his whole philosophy on sushi is pretty incredible. He’s almost like a sushi poet.
The way that he describes sushi is very compelling. To give you an example, he’s the one who first came up with the analogy between classical music and what Jiro does — the notion of the sushi concerto, a clip I think you just posted on Eater. These are the words of Yamamoto. He’s the one who has found many of the parallels and facilitated a visual interpretation of the sushi making. He’s full of great ideas. He’s also a wonderful presence on screen.
- ダニエル・ブールー氏のレストラン『Daniel』についてレビューを書いた料理評論家のルース・ライクル(Ruth Reichl)さんについても取り上げています→ 料理評論家ルース・ライクルさんの回想録で目にした「exhilarating」の意味とは?
- 映画についてはこちらでも紹介しています→ 映画『二郎は鮨の夢を見る』で目にした「halibut」の意味は?